Tuesday December 14 - Went to store party and, as usual, had a ball. Played pin the tail on the donkey. Kids gave me a $20 gift certificate from Jones!
Wednesday, December 15 - Called Sonnie. They will start home Saturday morning at 4. Will be so glad to see them.
Dad's health comes and goes. He had four heart attacks three years earlier, in the era before cardiac bypass surgery, stents, and angioplasty. He spent weeks flat on his back, cooked to the gills on Demerol, out at the old St. Joseph Hospital on Linwood Boulevard. He thought the nuns were trying to kill him - this is a Baptist fantasy - and that the pigeons out on the windowsill were actually eagles.
He changed his lifestyle. He gave up the two packs of Pall Malls a day, coffee, and all salt.
Most of the time, he looks and acts pretty strong. When he feels bad, he has the aspect of one of those alien autopsy dummies. Dad died in June of 1974.
Mom got to play games at the store Christmas party! You just can't imagine my mom, blindfolded, spun in circles, and handed a paper donkey tail with a thumbtack in it. I laugh until I cry.
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