Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Sunday, March 28

March 28, Sunday - Went to church. Bill was up today, also Marv and Bud. Getting anxious to go home. Sure have lots of nice friends. Mary was up tonight.

March 29, Monday - Marv's birthday. Dr. Hesser took tubes out today. Talk about hurt! Had lots of company. Maxine and Mildred wound up the day!

March 30, Tuesday - Talked to the boss and Marie this morning. Have enjoyed the phone. Laid awake and talked to Marjorie till late last night. She's in bad shape.

Not much new here. You have to laugh to keep from crying, I suppose. Mom is stuck in a hospital room. She's just lost a breast to cancer, and doesn't know if she'll be alive in six months. Still, Marjorie is in bad shape and deserves Mom's friendship and steady counsel.

I remember dad and I went to Crane's cafeteria that afternoon.

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